Sunday 22 July 2012

Nokia Lumia Outships Apple and Samsung

Nokia Lumia Outships Apple and Samsung in First Three Quarters After Launch According to research from Strategy Analytics, the Nokia Lumia smartphone family with Microsoft operating system has outshipped Apple's iPhone and Samsung's Android family in the first three quarters after their respective commercial launches. It is an encouraging start for Nokia and Microsoft. Neil Shah, Senior Analyst at Strategy Analytics, said, "We estimate Nokia shipped 6.9 million Lumia smartphones with the Microsoft Windows Phone operating system cumulatively worldwide during the first three quarters after commercial launch, from Q4 2011 to Q2 2012. This compares with 3.7 million units of the rival Apple iPhone family in its first three quarters during 2007, and 1.3 million units for the Samsung Android family in its first three quarters during 2009. It is an encouraging start for Nokia and Microsoft.