Sunday 22 July 2012

Apple Vs Samsung

Apple Vs Samsung - Compromises to Emerge As Disputes Drag On: The decision by a London court ordering Apple to publicly correct any impression that Samsung Electronics was copying Apple's iPad stands in stark contrast to a ruling by a US court. The US court had upheld Apple's claims, and placed partial injunctions against the sale of Samsung's products in the USA.

Fitch Ratings says that it sees the legal battle continuing for at least the next 12 months, with over 40 different lawsuits pending across several countries; and the latest decision -- by the London court -- illustrates that a ruling in one country will not be followed automatically in another.

From a regulatory point of view, Samsung is often "holding the flag" for all the Android OS based smartphone makers. Fitch therefore believes it would be unlikely for the major courts around the world to rule in a manner which bans the Android operating system-based equipment from competing against Apple's devices.

In June, Samsung won an offensive case against Apple for the first time, when a Dutch court found Apple liable for infringing on Samsung's wireless technologies. Samsung has been slower off the mark than Apple in initiating its litigation activities. However, Samsung's significantly longer history in wireless technology, and the substantial number of patents it has filed in this regard, suggest that it may win more cases.