Sunday 8 July 2012

Amazon develops smartphone

Jeff Bezos, stjórnarformaður og stofnandi Amazon.Amazon is currently working on developing its own smart phone. The company, which sold more than books, and successfully, in recent years to expand its activities significantly in the electronics market with products like the Kindle and Kindle the fire card computer lesbrettinu.The persistent rumors live only in the last month on Amazon entered the smart phone market. It seems clear now that are being finalized for a smartphone, and that Amazon applied for several patents for the device. The company also agreed to the manufacturer Foxconn Electronics tævanska to see the production of smart phones.Expected to be run by the phone operating system Android, but the fire was stoked card machine using the same program.Apple has sold, Samsung and ruled out a long smartphone market that is growing rapidly, nearly 400 million smart phone in the first quarter of this year. It is clear that Amazon wants to ensure a share of this market.Amazon, however, radically different from its competitors. Unlike with Apple and Samsung sold THC Amazon and its products at a loss for the fire stoked purposes, it is expected that the phone is smart to bring users closer to the business over the Internet.