It's been known for quite a while that HTC’s unannounced M8, which might end up being called The All New One, was carrying the model number 0P6B120. Well, this HTC 0P6B120 was approved by the FCC today - a necessary hurdle to clear before the handset hits shelves in the US.
The FCC reveals that the 0P6B120 / The All New HTC One features AT&T-friendly LTE connectivity. This is in line with previous rumors which had it that the M8 would be released by AT&T at some point. A sketch of the new handset was provided by the FCC, this allowing us to see that the device has the same shape as the M8 / All New One that surfaced in the last few days (see here and here).
Unlike Samsung, which will unveil its next-gen flagship smartphone (Galaxy S5) at MWC 2014 next week, HTC will wait until March 25 to officially announce the M8 / All New One. We’re all expecting it to feature Android 4.4 KitKat, on-screen buttons, Sense 6.0 UI, twin-sensor rear camera, quad-core processor, 2GB of RAM, MicroSD card slot, and a 5 inch 1080p display. The smartphone should have three color versions at launch: grey, gold, and silver.
source: FCC (the link is not public at the moment) via Engadget
The FCC reveals that the 0P6B120 / The All New HTC One features AT&T-friendly LTE connectivity. This is in line with previous rumors which had it that the M8 would be released by AT&T at some point. A sketch of the new handset was provided by the FCC, this allowing us to see that the device has the same shape as the M8 / All New One that surfaced in the last few days (see here and here).
Unlike Samsung, which will unveil its next-gen flagship smartphone (Galaxy S5) at MWC 2014 next week, HTC will wait until March 25 to officially announce the M8 / All New One. We’re all expecting it to feature Android 4.4 KitKat, on-screen buttons, Sense 6.0 UI, twin-sensor rear camera, quad-core processor, 2GB of RAM, MicroSD card slot, and a 5 inch 1080p display. The smartphone should have three color versions at launch: grey, gold, and silver.
source: FCC (the link is not public at the moment) via Engadget