Friday 22 February 2013

Surface RT hacked to run legacy x86 Windows programs

he entrepreneurial spirit over at XDA-Devs has managed to achieve another miracle - a beta tool has been making the rounds for about a month that lets you run legacy Windows apps on your Microsoft Surface RT tablet, rather than only apps from the Windows Store.
Surface RT hacked to run legacy x86 Windows programsDon't get too excited, as for now you can't just fire up Photoshop or AutoCAD 2013 on the ARM-based slate, but the tool seems pretty handy anyways, at least for programs that are fairly light on resources like WinRAR or even games like Heroes of Might&Magic, which have been tested by the developer to work.

He encourages you to try his emulator and list in the thread what works and what doesn't, so he can get on it. The tool "emulates x86 instructions and passes Windows API calls to WinRT kernel with necessary modifications," and that's how running x86 apps on an ARM-based tablet is achieved. Naturally, yourSurface RT needs to be jailbroken with a separate tool, and the other requirements are listed in the thread below.