Saturday 23 February 2013

New high-end Nokia Lumia phone for Verizon winds up at the FCC

New high-end Nokia Lumia phone for Verizon winds up at the FCC
According to a tweet from Adduplex's Alan Mendelevich, a new Nokia phone, heading to Verizon, was just checked out by the FCC. Adduplex, a cross-promotion network for Windows,recently tweeted about four new models that he believes that Nokia is bringing with it to Barcelona for MWC.Mendelevich's new tweet reveals an unknown phone with the model number RM-860 which he says has a resolution of 768 x 1280.  He says in the tweet that it is either a Nokia Lumia 920 variant for Verizon, or another high-end model. Further speculation has the phone supporting LTE bands 4 and 13, which usually are the hallmarks of an LTE enabled device for Verizon. All of these models have been showing up in Adduplex's logs.

It turns out that a new variant of the Nokia Lumia 920 is expected to come to MWC code named Nokia Catwalk. This will be a thinner device than the Nokia Lumia 920 with an aluminum body. There also is another rumored new high end phone code named the Nokia Laser which is a Windows Phone model with the same 41MP camera sensor as seen on the Nokia 808 PureView. Both of these models are supposedly Verizon bound which means either phone could be the one at the FCC.

How do we know that the model that Mendelovich tweeted about was at the FCC? Because a diagram of the device that came from the FCC revealed the same RM-860 model number that is mentioned in the tweet. Take a look at the diagram above the tweet in the picture that accompanies this article