Wednesday 19 December 2012

That's how an iPhone 5 looks like after 2 months of use

The iPhone 5 is as sleek and beautiful as it is susceptible to Dents and scratcher. Even a Small Percentage of new units came with nicks right out of the box,-which eventually led to Apple tightening up Quality Control Measures at the iPhone 5 assembly lines. That said, can you imagine how one of them would look like after being used for a couple of months?

No need to Visualizer anything Because someone has already done that for us. In the photos below we have two black iPhone 5 hand sets, one of-which has been encased since the very same day it was purchased, while the Other has seen a lot of unprotected action. Both of them have been in use for about 2 months now. Obviously, it is quite easy to tell which one is sem.

This, of course, is just a single case, but it Clearly demonstrates that if you do not handle your iPhone 5 with care, it will get Bruised Sooner or later. And for most of us, paying $ 99 to have the damage fixed just is not an option. But at the end of the day, do a few nicks matter? After all, Despite being prone to scratching, Apple's newest smartphone is still a DURABLE device, as Those numerous iPhone 5 drop tests have shown. Perhaps you'd like to share your thoughts on this with us? If that's the case, it sound off below!

The iPhone 5 two months later. One with a case, and one without.
The iPhone 5 two months later. One with a case, and one without.
The iPhone 5 two months later. One with a case, and one without.
The iPhone 5 two months later. One with a case, and one without.