Wednesday 19 December 2012

LG posts an ad for sold-out Nexus 4

Google or Samsung need to Promote the Nexus 4 right now, seeing as how They Can not Get Them fast enough to keep 'em in stock, but Samsung went ahead and released a two minute video spot to the interwebs just the same, so now We'll sternum it to you. It's a good video - in many getaways it Follows in the Footsteps of recent Google advertising, combining music with demostration of a product's capabilities.

This one is a bit more cut and dried in its feature demos than say Google's Nexus 7 ads, and it's certainly not as risqué as some of Samsung's Galaxy S3 ads, but it does an effective job of showing off the Nexus 4 to potential buyers, and is certainly more useful than Taking potshots at the Apple.
Take a look-see yourself and let us know what you think about it in the comments below: