Wednesday 19 December 2012

Google Maps causes a spike in iOS 6 updates

Google Maps causes a spike in iOS 6 updatesWhen we first heard the announcer Apple iOS 6 update, we made ​​sure to warn users that if They did not want to Lose Google Maps, they should wait on updating (this was even before Apple Maps was found to have so many problems.) it turns out that a lot of people had the same concerns, and updating Delayed Their iOS devices until Google Maps was released, and that has caused a spike in the iOS 6 adoption.

Ad network MoPub checked data from the 12.000 iOS applications in a recent study that found 6 iOS adoption jumped 29% in the five days after Google Maps was released Into the App Store. MoPub CEO Jim Payne said:
We observed since the launch of Google Maps for iOS 6 a 30 percent increase in unique users iOS 6, and we think it's related to Google Maps. It verifier the hypothesis that people were actually holding back to upgrade until Google Maps was available.

It definitely verifier our hypothesis too. Of course, Google Maps for iOS has been an all-around success since launch, Taking just 7 hours to reach the top of the iTunes charts, and 48 hours to Gather 10 million downloads.