Monday 26 November 2012

Apple strongly by Samsung

Apple í hart við SamsungStruggling technology giant Apple and Samsung seems to be taking end'm. Apple now added six tablet computers and smart phones recently to the list of Samsung Electronics, which is said to violate intellectual property rights.

Apple case, appeared before the courts in the state of California, and now includes almost all electronic devices that sell Samsung in the United States.

It is believed that Apple smart SIMARINA Galaxy S III, II Galaxy Galaxy Note Mini S III and a business monopoly. Can be said about the same card systems of abstraction.

Samsung made ​​a similar lawsuit against Apple and introduced several products, including Mini iPad, iPad fourth and fifth generation iPod Touch.

Was last summer to pay Samsung Apple billion dollars, or the equivalent of 120 billion compensation for the infringement of intellectual property rights.

Obviously that Apple want to repeat the game, and now focus on the latest Samsung products.